Bibliographic details for "Mismatches of self-calculated MnO XAS and that in the paper PRB 85, 165113 (2012)"

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Citation styles for "Mismatches of self-calculated MnO XAS and that in the paper PRB 85, 165113 (2012)"


Mismatches of self-calculated MnO XAS and that in the paper PRB 85, 165113 (2012). (2020, Jul 19). In Quanty. Retrieved 22:15, May 19, 2024, from


Maurits W. Haverkort et al.. "Mismatches of self-calculated MnO XAS and that in the paper PRB 85, 165113 (2012)". Quanty. 19 Jul. 2020. Web. 19 May. 2024, 22:15


Maurits W. Haverkort et al., 'Mismatches of self-calculated MnO XAS and that in the paper PRB 85, 165113 (2012)', Quanty, 19 July 2020, 14:13 GMT, <> [Accessed 19 May 2024]


Maurits W. Haverkort et al., "Mismatches of self-calculated MnO XAS and that in the paper PRB 85, 165113 (2012)", Quanty, (Accessed May 19, 2024).


Maurits W. Haverkort et al.. Mismatches of self-calculated MnO XAS and that in the paper PRB 85, 165113 (2012) [Internet]. Quanty; 2020 Jul 19, 14:13 GMT [Cited 2024 May 19]. Available at:


Mismatches of self-calculated MnO XAS and that in the paper PRB 85, 165113 (2012), (Last visited May 19, 2024).


Maurits W. Haverkort et al.. Mismatches of self-calculated MnO XAS and that in the paper PRB 85, 165113 (2012). Quanty. July 19, 2020, 14:13 GMT. Available at: Accessed May 19, 2024.


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When using the LaTeX package url (\usepackage{url} somewhere in the preamble), which tends to give much more nicely formatted web addresses, the following may be preferred:

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   author = "Maurits W. Haverkort et al.",
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   year = "2020",
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   note = "[Online; accessed 19-May-2024]"

DokuWiki talk pages

[[forum:data:2020:mismatches_of_self-calculated_mno_xas_and_that_in_the_paper_prb_85_165113_2012|Mismatches of self-calculated MnO XAS and that in the paper PRB 85, 165113 (2012)]] ([[forum:data:2020:mismatches_of_self-calculated_mno_xas_and_that_in_the_paper_prb_85_165113_2012?rev=1595168021|this version]])
Mismatches of self-calculated MnO XAS and that in the paper PRB 85, 165113 (2012) (this version)